The digital health sector has been rapidly growing, and the demand is not expected to diminish. Those in the industry will want to keep in mind some key legal concerns in the coming year, which we outline in this recent article. Privacy and cybersecurity features among these, and include more than just HIPAA concerns. There is an ever-growing patchwork of state and federal privacy laws that are being applied to the industry. At the same time, cyber threat actors are finding ways to attack even the most prepared companies in the digital health space.
Continue Reading Digital Health Trends and Privacy: What to Watch in 2022
privacy management
Understanding Risk in An Increasingly Risky World
By Liisa Thomas on
Posted in Privacy Management
As the first quarter of 2021 comes to a close, cyberattacks are only gaining momentum. As we reported last month, these attacks have become big business for threat actors, and companies are working hard to be prepared. Taking stock of potential risks – and risk management techniques – can be a useful exercise in this environment. For this, tools from change management can help. Change management, particular sustainable change management, teaches us not to jump head-first into action, but first to take stock of what actions will be most helpful.
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