New Jersey’s governor has signed into law the first US state comprehensive privacy law of 2024. It will go into effect January 16, 2025. For those keeping score, that puts New Jersey after Florida, Oregon, Texas (all July 1, 2024), Montana (October 1, 2024), Delaware, and Iowa (both January 1, 2025). But, before Indiana (January 1, 2026). (Visit this post for a more detailed recap).Continue Reading The Garden State Cultivates a Consumer Privacy Law – The First for 2024

The State Attorneys General in New York and New Jersey recently settled with four companies over alleged HIPAA noncompliance following phishing attacks. The New Jersey settlements were brought against three NJ-based cancer care providers after a phishing attack on several employees’ email accounts. That attack resulted in the unauthorized access of the PHI of 105,200 patients. Although the providers had implemented safeguards, the NJAG concluded that those measures were insufficient to protect against reasonably anticipated threats. In particular, the NJAG was concerned that an accurate and thorough risk assessment had not been conducted, nor was there sufficient employee training. As part of the settlement, the providers agreed to pay $425,000.
Continue Reading States Catch Health Care Entities Taking the Bait in Phishing Attacks