TracFone, the pre-paid phone company, recently settled with the FCC over allegations that the company failed to protect customer information during three different data incidents. According to the FCC, in each of the incidents, threat actors gained access to customer information, including names, addresses, and features to which customers had subscribed. The threat actors were able to gain access by exploiting vulnerabilities in the customer-facing application programming interfaces or APIs.Continue Reading Ring, Ring, it’s the FCC Calling- TracFone to Pay $16M to Settle FCC Investigation

After waiting 16 years for a call, the FCC is finally back on the line. Last month the FCC updated their 16-year-old data breach notification rule. The updated rule makes drastic changes to the previous FCC notification requirements. However, many will already be familiar with the new requirements as they merge those found in state data breach notification laws in to the FCC context. Regulators may have felt wired to make these change in light of the new SEC rules, about which we have also previously written, that went into effect last month. Regardless of their motives, the FCC determined that the line had been ringing to for too long and it was time to pick up where they had left off 16 years ago.Continue Reading Operator? I’d like to Report a Data Breach—The FCC’s Updated Data Breach Rule

The FCC recently adopted new rules that will limit the volume of calls that can be made to residential phones under certain TCPA consent exceptions. The new rules affect non-telemarketing calls that use an artificial or prerecorded voice. For years, companies have been able to make unlimited numbers of these calls to residential lines without the need for prior express consent if the exceptions applied. Beginning later in 2021, companies will need to follow volume limits for the following types of exempted calls, unless they have obtained prior express consent to make more calls. The new limits will apply to calls that fall into one of these consent exceptions:
Continue Reading FCC Sets Volume Limits For Some Prerecorded Calls to Home Phones

Last Thursday, in a vote split along party lines, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) approved a new regulatory regime staking its claim to privacy regulation of both fixed and mobile Internet service providers (“ISPs”) like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T.  The FCC’s rules follow its decision in the Open Internet Order, released last year and analyzed here, to classify broadband Internet access service as a common-carrier telecommunications service.  The FCC’s new rules are intended to give consumers control over the ways in which ISPs use and share their customers’ private information.  While the FCC has yet to release its Report and Order, the FCC’s Fact Sheet and statements by the commissioners indicate that the new privacy rules in many respects track the proposed rules the FCC put forward earlier this year, which seek to make the FCC the “toughest” privacy regulator in the Internet ecosystem by imposing on ISPs significantly more onerous and restrictive requirements for use and collection of consumer data than the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) imposes on its non-ISP competitors.
Continue Reading FCC Issues New Privacy Rules for Internet Service Providers: Safeguarding Consumers or Lulling Them Into A False Sense of Privacy?