The talk of “opt-out preference signals” or global privacy controls (GPC) has been increasing as companies dig into the forthcoming requirements under US “comprehensive” privacy laws. What is an opt-out preference signal? An “opt-out preference signal” also known colloquially as ”GPC,” is a signal sent by a platform or technology on behalf of a consumer that communicates the consumer’s choice to opt out of sale or sharing. Below, we summarize how each of the states treats this requirement.Continue Reading Comparing and Contrasting the Opt Out Preference Signal Across States

With 2023 quickly approaching, many are spending this final quarter preparing for the five US state “comprehensive” privacy laws. Some of these contemplate clarifying regulations with technical and operational requirements. Requirements that will impact preparation activities.Continue Reading State Comprehensive Privacy Laws: Status of the Regulations

The Colorado AG’s office recently released pre-rulemaking considerations for the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA). The office is seeking informal public feedback on a series of topics. While the AG listed eight specific topics for feedback, the public can offer input on any aspect of the upcoming rulemaking. The AG’s office is interested in comments about the universal opt-out, the requirements around consent, and “dark patterns.” The AG is also interested in circumstances triggering data protection assessments and the requirements around profiling. Questions were also posed about “offline” collection of data. Lastly, the office seeks feedback to the rules around opinion letters and about how CPA compares or contrasts to privacy laws in other jurisdictions.
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