The Department of Defense published the final version of its Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) rule last week. This rule establishes the parameters of the program and timeline for implementation. A separate rule to finalize associated contract requirements is expected early to mid-next year. For a deep-dive into noteworthy takeaways for the Final Rule, see our analysis here. Here are some highlights:Continue Reading Countdown to Compliance: The Department of Defense Finalizes Its Cybersecurity Program Rule

The Department of Defense recently provided some clarity on the timeline for implementation of its Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program. The DoD now expects to complete documentation to submit to the Office of Management and Budget for its rulemaking process by July 2022. And, it plans to issue interim final rules by March 2023. If DoD sticks to this new timeline, the CMMC requirements could begin appearing in solicitations for government contracts as early as May 2023 (60 days after the rules are published). Continue Reading Updated Timeline for DoD’s Cybersecurity Certification Program

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (“CMMC”) v.1.0, after releasing several draft versions of the document over the past year. In an effort to enhance supply chain security, the CMMC sets forth unified cybersecurity standards that DOD contractors and suppliers (at all tiers, regardless of size or function) must meet to participate in future DOD acquisitions. Through the CMMC, DOD adds cybersecurity as a foundational element to the current DOD acquisition criteria of cost, schedule, and performance. We have previously discussed CMMC on our Government Contracts & Investigations Blog.
Continue Reading CMMC Version 1.0: Enhancing DOD’s Supply Chain Cybersecurity